Plastics & Rubber Trade Fair (2019 CHINAPLAS)

From 21 – 24th of May, ROTHENBERGER (Wuxi) Pipe Technologies Co.,LTD. participated in the 33nd CHINAPLAS in Guangzhou.

Plastics & Rubber Trade Fair (2019 CHINAPLAS)

Plastics & Rubber Trade Fair (2019 CHINAPLAS)

Plastics & Rubber Trade Fair (2019 CHINAPLAS)

The equipment  was bought by foreign customers at the scene.


Welcome to the World of ROTHENBERGER

Pipelines conveying energy and water are the world’s lifelines. Just like the veins in the human body, they guarantee that warmth, fuels and lifebringing fluids reach their recipients – an important contribution to the overall quality of human life.

For more than 70 years now, ROTHENBERGER has been supporting all those whose daily work helps not only to ensure that these lifelines reach more and more people, but also to maintain them in an excellent condition: by supplying innovative and reliable highest quality pipetools and machinery that can be found in the hands of excellent skilled craftsmen and on construction sites all around the globe.